Diana Watson - FLORIAN

Diana Watson - FLORIAN

Sydney based artist Diana Watson’s large scale botanical paintings are drawn from a deep love of nature. She says inspiration and painting are a complete way of life, never far from her thoughts. Seeing beauty all around, colours, shapes, shadows and the challenge of putting it on canvas. Who would not be inspired by nature? Every bloom is perfection even in decay.

Watson studied commercial and fine art at Perth Technical College on the advice of her teacher, the prominent West Australian artist Robert Juniper. This lead to an early career as a fashion artist in an advertising agency followed by the role as a concept artist for an interior designer. After motherhood she followed her passion
to become a full time artist leading to many exhibitions around Australia. She is held in collections world wide.

“What inspires me to make art? Everything. It is a complete way of life, never far from my thoughts. Seeing beauty all around me, colours, shapes, shadows, nature and the challenge of putting it on canvas.” - Diana Watson.

“I have been painting for a long time. I studied commercial art and fine art when I left school a million years ago. I worked in advertising as a fashion artist before motherhood and when my kids were older I had time to do what I wanted to do.” - Diana Watson

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