Fiona Kerr Gedson – Whenua

Fiona Kerr Gedson – Whenua

Fiona Kerr Gedson
Front Room Exhibition 
Connection is the unifying theme of Fiona Kerr Gedson’s work. As a Pākehā of predominantly Scottish and Irish descent, Fiona experiences daily the perpetual play of multicultural influence on human connection. She has lived most of her life in the Bay of Plenty, with deep roots in Ōpōtiki, a community rich in Māoritanga and nestled in a spectacular natural environment. This has influenced her personal culture and her work. Kaupapa Māori values our natural environment, is rich in spirituality, and holds whānau at its centre, all values that resonate soundly with Fiona.
Recently Fiona has begun to celebrate her appreciation for the natural environment through landscape works. Her landscapes capture a moment in time, though they are symbolic of a state of mind, rather than a specific place. She is deeply soothed by time spent in nature. As a calm mother teaches her child to self-regulate by being, connecting to Papatūānuku can guide us to find peace within ourselves. Fiona explores this concept with serene and timeless imagery.
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